Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Security Groups

Security Groups are designed so that managers can set Temenos Infinity access for an entire group. Rather than going through the process of assigning individual user permissions and access to features for every employee, administrators can assign permissions to Security Groups to provide access to all Temenos features that can be set at the individual user level.

Security Groups can be created and managed from System Management > Groups > Security Groups. 

The Security Groups page displays the following columns of information about each Security Group:

Column Name Description
Name The name of the Security Group.
Description The description of the Security Group.
Last Modified Denotes when the last modification to the Security Group was made.
Modified By Denotes who made the last modification to the Security Group.

Security Group Attributes

All security groups have common attributes that are defined while creating, copying, or editing a security group.


The General attributes include the basic information about the security group.

The following General security group attributes are defined in the General tab:

Attribute Description
Name Provide a name for the Security Group. This is a required field.
Description Provide details about the Security Group.


Use the Permission attribute, located in the Permissions tab, to manage the new Security Group’s access to several features throughout Temenos Infinity. This tab contains 2 columns: Function and Permission. Click under the Permission column in the corresponding row of the screen and a drop-down appears. Change the value in this drop-down to assign the security group access to the function. The following permission options are available within the permission drop-down:

If an individual user permission is set to “None” but the user is a part of a Security Group that has “Change” permission to the same feature, the system defaults to “Change.” The higher permission between the user and group level is systematically set.

Below is a list of the permissions that can be customized by the administrator and their description:


Below is a list of all the permissions that can be customized by the administrator and their description.

Application Processing
Name of Permission Description

Add and Delete Account Product Fees:


Allows a user to add and remove fees that have been automatically or manually added for an account product.


None = Add and Delete buttons are disabled in the Account Product Fees panel. Edit is disabled for the Account Product Fees grid.

Change = Add and Delete buttons are enabled in the Account Product Fees panel. Edit is enabled for the Account Product Fees grid.

Add and Delete Fees on Application:

Allows a user to add and remove fees that have been automatically or manually added to a loan application.

This permission only provides the ability to add and remove loan fees from an application. To allow a user to add and delete fees for an account product, set the Add and Delete Account Product Fees permission to Change for the user.
None = Add and Delete buttons are disabled in the Fees panel. Edit is disabled for the Fees grid.

Change = Add and Delete buttons are enabled in the Fees panel. Edit is enabled for the Fees grid.

Approve Account:

Allows a user to manually approve an account application.

None = "Approve" button is disabled in the Workflow and Application Toolbar.

Change = "Approve" button is enabled in the Workflow and Application Toolbar if Status is not Incomplete, Disbursed or Not Eligible.

Approve Loan:

Allows a user to manually approve an application.

None = "Approve" button is disabled in the Workflow and Application Toolbar.

Change = "Approve" button is enabled in the Workflow and Application Toolbar if Status <> Incomplete, Disbursed or Not Eligible.

Bypass OFAC Alert:

Allows a user to override an OFAC alert presented by the OFAC interface on the OFAC screen and continue to disburse the loan.

None = user does not have permission to override an OFAC hit and is presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = user has permission to override OFAC hit and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Change Applicants Receiving Adverse Action Notice:

Allows user to change the field to send an adverse action notice to a particular applicant from the Reject Application & Withdraw Application windows.

None = applicant check boxes are disabled on Reject Application and Withdraw Application windows.

Change = applicant check boxes are enabled on Reject Application and Withdraw Application windows.

Change Application After Decision:

Allows a user to change data in fields that have been locked down by the system once a decision has been rendered on the application.

None = the entire application is read-only (includes both fields and actions) if the application has been decisioned (Decision Date is not null).

Change = the entire application is read-only EXCEPT those fields and actions that are identified as editable post-decision if the application has been decisioned (Decision Date is not null).

Change Application After Disbursement:

Allows a user to change data in fields that have been locked down by the system once an application has been disbursed.

None = the entire application is read-only (includes both fields and actions) if the application has been disbursed.

Change = the entire application is read-only EXCEPT those fields and actions that are identified as editable post-disbursement if the application has been disbursed.

Change Assets on Application:

Allows a user to manually add assets to an application, delete manually added assets and edit assets that have been added either manually or via a core interface.            

None = Add/Edit/Delete buttons are disabled on Assets screen.

Change = Add/Edit/Delete buttons are enabled on Assets screen.

Change Effective Date on Application:

Allows a user to update the Effective Date field on the application screen that collects loan term information.

None = user does not have permission to override and is presented with an override pop-up window if the field has been modified.

Change = user has permission to override and is not presented with override pop-up if the field has been modified. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Change Fees from Account Product:


Allows a user to modify the amount of a fee automatically added to an account product by the system.


None = User does not have permission to override the fee amount for an account product, and is presented with an override pop-up window when an Account Product Fee field is modified.                

Change = User has permission to override the fee amount for an account product, and is not presented with the override pop-up when an Account Product Fee field is modified. This permission also allows a user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Change Fees from Sub-Product:

Allows a user to modify the amount of a fee automatically added to a loan application by the system.

This permission only provides the modify the amount of fee added to a loan application. To allow a user to modify the fee amount for an account product, set the Change Fees from Account Product permission to Change for the user.
None = User does not have permission to override the amount for a loan fee, and is presented with an override pop-up window when a Fee field is modified.

Change = User has permission to override the fee amount for a loan fee, and is not presented with the override pop-up when an Fee field is modified. This permission also allows a user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Change Interest Rate on Application:

Allows an Underwriter to manually change the interest rate on an application. This field is only available on the Manual Underwriting screen.

None = "Actual Interest Rate", "Reason for Interest Rate Change", and "Other Reason for Interest Change" fields are disabled on the Approve Application window.

Change = "Actual Interest Rate", "Reason for Interest Rate Change", and "Other Reason for Interest Change" fields are enabled on the Approve Application window.

Change Introductory Term on Application:

Allows a user to manually change the introductory term that is used for Introductory Rate calculations.

None = Introductory Term field is disabled on the Loan Terms screen.

Change = Introductory Term field is enabled on the Loan Terms field

Change Liabilities on Application:

Allows a user to manually add liabilities to an application, delete manually added liabilities and edit liabilities that have been added either manually or the credit report & core interfaces.

None = Add/Edit/Delete buttons are disabled on Liabilities screen.

Change = Add/Edit/Delete buttons are enabled on Liabilities screen.

Change Max Cross-sell Amount:

Allows an Underwriter to set a maximum loan cross-sell amount that the sum of all an application’s new/replacement Cross-sell offers cannot exceed.

This field is only available on the Manual Underwriting screen. This does not affect what is offered/pitched as cross-sells; rather, it just affects the max dollar amount an applicant could accept in cross-sell offers without requiring an override.            

None = "Max Loan Cross-sell Amount", "Reason for Max Cross Sell Amt Change", and "Other Reason for Cross-sell Amt Change" fields are disabled on the Approve Application window.

Change = "Max Loan Cross-sell Amount", "Reason for Max Cross Sell Amt Change", and "Other Reason for Cross-sell Amt Change" fields are enabled on the Approve Application window.            

Change Non-Loan Cross-sell Product Amount:

Allows a user to change the Amount field in the Cross-sell grid for Non-loan Cross-sell products.

None = The Amount field in the Cross-sell grid is not able to be updated for Non-loan Cross-sell products.

Change = The Amount field in the Cross-sell grid is able to be updated for Non-loan Cross-sell products.

Change Product on Application:

Allows a user to change the product being applied for on an application prior to a decision being rendered on the application.

None = Change Product button is disabled in the Properties pop-up box.

Change = Change Product button is enabled in the Properties pop-up box.            

Change Source and Channel on Application:

Allows a user to change the application Source and Channel fields during the application process.

None = Source and Channel fields are disabled in the Properties pop-up box.

Change = Source and Channel fields are enabled in the Properties pop-up box.

Change TIN on Credit Report:


Allows a user to change the primary and/or joint applicant TIN on an existing credit report record.

None = The Change TIN button does not appear in the Credit Reporting screen.                

Change = The Change TIN button is available within the top of the Credit Reporting screen, and can be used to modify the TIN for the primary and/or joint applicant on a credit report.

It is highly recommended that Change permission only be granted to Administrative users, as caution should be exercised in using the Change TIN functionality.
Change Variable Rates:

Allows a user to change the Variable Rate fields (listed below) on the Loan Terms screen.

  • First Rate Change Date
  • Rate Change Frequency
  • Rate Change Margin
  • Max Rate Decrease for Loan
  • Max Rate Increase for Loan
  • Max Rate Decrease per Change
  • Max Rate Increase per Change
None = user does not have permission to edit fields. If fields have been changed by the user they are presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = user has permission to edit fields and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Change Vendor on Application:

Allows a user to change the Vendor/Dealer field during the application process.

None = Vendor field is disabled in the Properties pop-up box when Dealer Purchase or Indirect are selected as Source.

Change = Vendor field is enabled in the Properties pop-up box when Dealer Purchase or Indirect are selected as Source.

Complete Manual To-Do:

Allows a user to complete a Manual To-Do.

None = The Complete button within the Manual To-Do's Notification pop-up is disabled. User does not have permission to complete Manual To-Dos.

Change = The Complete button within the Manual To-Do's Notification pop-up is enabled. User has permission to complete Manual To-Dos.

Counteroffer- Add, Edit and Delete:

Allows a user to Add, Edit and Delete a Counteroffer on the Counteroffer screen.

None = User does not have permission to Add, Edit or Delete a Counteroffer.

Change = User has permissions to Add, Edit and Delete a Counteroffer.

Counteroffer - Add/Clear Stipulations:

Allows a user to manually add stipulations to counteroffers, and mark a stipulation as being met.
None = User cannot add stipulations. Met checkbox is disabled when editing stipulations in the Counteroffer panel.

Change = User can add new stipulations. Met checkbox is enabled when editing stipulations in the Counteroffer panel.
Counteroffer - Allow Delete Stipulations:

Allows a user to delete stipulations on counteroffers.
None = User is not able to delete stipulations in counteroffers.

Change = User is able to delete stipulations in counteroffers.
Counteroffer - Approve Application on Counteroffer Acceptance:

Allows a user to accept a Counteroffer.

None = User does not have permission to accept a Counteroffer.

Change = User has permission to accept a Counteroffer.

Counteroffer - Change Stipulations:

Allows a user to modify the stipulation that was added to a counteroffer, and modify if the stipulation is required for approval or disbursement.
None = Stipulation and Required For fields are disabled when editing stipulations in the Counteroffer panel.

Change = Stipulation and Required For fields are enabled when editing stipulations in the Counteroffer panel.
Counteroffer - Do Not Require Comments on Stipulations:

Allows a user, who has permission to mark stipulation as met or waived, to continue without adding a comment on the stipulation within the counteroffer.
None = User must enter a comment if they select waive/met.

Change = User is able to select waive/met without entering a comment.
Counteroffer - Waive Stipulation(s) on a Stipulation within a Counteroffer:

Allows a user to mark a stipulation as being waived.
None = Waive checkbox is disabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Change = Waive checkbox is enabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.
Create New Application:

Allows a user to enter an account application in the system.

None = New Application icon is not available within the Ribbon Bar.

Change = New Application icon is available within the Ribbon Bar.

Create New Member Account for an Existing Member:

Allows a user to create a new member account for an existing account holder during the application process.

None = Generate button is disabled in the Change Account/Loan Number screen.

The Generate button may also appear disabled if other configurations are not set by the system administrator. For more information, please see the Generating Account Numbers section of the Funding topic in the User Guide.

Change = Generate button is enabled for an existing account holder in the Change Account/Loan Number screen.

Cross-sells In Loan Amount Exceed Approval Tolerance:

Allows a user to override the Approval Tolerance Amount that is set on the sub-product definition (only if it is exceeded because of cross-sells being included in the loan amount, such as GAP & MBC).

None = user does not have permission to override and is presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = user has permission to override and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Decline Account:

Allows a user to manually decline an account application.

None = The Decline button is not able to be selected in the Application Toolbar and Workflow.

Change = The Decline button is able to be selected in the Application Toolbar and Workflow if Status is not Incomplete, Disbursed or Not Eligible and applicant is not a current account holder.            

Decline Loan:

Allows a user to decline a loan application.

None = "Decline" button is disabled in the Application Toolbar and Workflow.

Change = "Decline" button is enabled in the Application Toolbar and Workflow if Status <> Incomplete, Disbursed, or Not Eligible.

Disburse Account Product:

Allows a user to disburse and book the account product to the Core system.

None = The Disburse button is not able to be selected in the Application Toolbar and Workflow.

Change = The Disburse button is able to be selected in the Application Toolbar and Workflow.

Disburse Loan:

Allows a user to Disburse and book the loan to the core system.

None = The Disburse button is not able to be selected in the Application Toolbar and Workflow.

Change = The Disburse button able to be selected in the Application Toolbar and Workflow.

Do Not Pull Credit:

Allows the user to select to not pull credit for a particular applicant on an application.

None = “Do Not Pull Credit” checkbox is disabled on the screen used to collect applicant information.

Change = “Do Not Pull Credit” checkbox is enabled on the screen used to collect applicant information.

Edit Adverse Action Reasons:

Allows a user to add Reject & Adverse Action Reasons to an application via the Other Actions button.

None = "Collect Adverse Actions" is disabled in the Other Actions dropdown.

Change = "Collect Adverse Actions" value in the Other Actions dropdown list is active and can be selected.

Edit All Comments on Application:


Allows a user to edit comments added by other users within the Comment History in an application.

Comments added by a third party, or flagged as external cannot be edited.

None = Users are not able to edit comments added by another user within the Comment History in an application. The Edit button is disabled within the Comment History screen and panel when a comment from another user is selected within the grid.


Change = Users are able to modify all comments in an application. The Edit button is enabled within the Comment History screen and panel when any comment is selected within the grid.

Edit Disbursement Date:

Allows a user to edit the Disbursement Date field.

None = Disbursement Date is disabled on the application screen that collects loan term information.

Change = Disbursement Date field is enabled on the application screen that collects loan term information.

Edit Doc Stamps Program:

Allows a user to edit fields in the application related to the Doc Stamps Program.

None = User does not have permission to edit fields.

Change = User has permission to edit fields.

Edit Finance Charge on Application Fee:

Allows a user to set the flag for a fee to be considered a finance charge.

None = Finance Charge column is disabled on the Fees grid on the Fees panel.

Change = Finance Charge column is enabled on the Fees grid on the Fees panel.

Edit First Notification, Second Notification and Expiration Dates:

Allows a user to edit these fields on the Loan Terms screen.

None = User does not have permission to edit fields.

Change = User has permission to edit fields.            

Edit Own Comments on Application:


Allows a user to edit their own comments within the Comment History in an application.

Comments flagged as external cannot be edited.

None = Users are not able to edit comments within the Comment History in an application. The Edit button is disabled within the Comment History screen and panel.


Change = Users are only able to modify comments added by their user in an application. The Edit button is enabled within the Comment History screen and panel when a comment added by their user is selected within the grid.

Exclude Applicant From Precise ID:

Allows a user to exclude an applicant from being processed through the Precise ID interface.

None = "Exclude Applicant from Precise ID" checkbox on Applicants screen is disabled.

Change = "Exclude Applicant from Precise ID" checkbox is enabled.

Exclude Payee from OFAC:

Allows a user to exclude a check payee from being checked via the OFAC interface during the Disbursement.

None = "Do Not Run OFAC" Checkbox is disabled on Edit Payee OFAC Information window.

Change = "Do Not Run OFAC" Checkbox is enabled on Edit Payee OFAC Information window.

Get Vehicle Valuation in Application:

Allows a user to get a book value on a vehicle within an application via the NADA or KBB interfaces.

None = "Get Valuation" button is disabled on the application screen that collects Collateral information, when Source = NADA or KBB.

Change = "Get Valuation" button is enabled on the application screen that collects Collateral information, when Source = NADA or KBB.

Initial Amount Exceeds Min/Max for Sub-Product:

Allows a user to override the Min/Max Amount values that are set at the sub-product definition. For example: New Auto has a min amount of $1500.00. An application is being submitted and the Requested Amount is $1000.00. An override box pops-up for users who do not have this permission and requires someone with this authority to put in their credentials in order for the user to proceed with the application.

None = user does not have permission to override and is presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = user has permission to override and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

LO Approval – Display Adverse Actions:

Allows user to view/edit the Adverse Action panel on the Approve Application screen.

None = Adverse Action sub-panel is not displayed on the Approve Application screen.

Change = Adverse Action sub-panel is displayed and editable on the Approve Application screen.

Loan Covenants – Add:


Allows a user to add loan covenants to a loan application.

None = Add button is disabled in the Loan Covenants panel.


Change = Add button is enabled in the Loan Covenants panel.

If a user is granted permission to add loan covenants, the Loan Covenants - Change permission should also be set to Change for the user to ensure he or she is able to set values for the covenant once it is added.

Loan Covenants – Change:


Allows a user to modify a loan covenant on a loan application.


None = The Edit button is disabled in the Loan Covenants panel, and the fields that support inline editability are read-only in the panel grid.


Change = The Edit button is enabled in the Loan Covenants panel, and inline editing is available for the applicable fields in the panel grid.

Loan Covenants – Allow Delete:


Allows a user to remove loan covenants that have been automatically or manually added to the application.

None = The Delete button is disabled in the Loan Covenants panel.


Change = The Delete button is enabled in the Loan Covenants panel.

Loan Covenants - Waive on Application:


Allows a user to mark a loan covenant as waived on a loan application.

None = Waive check box is disabled when editing a loan covenant in the Loan Covenants panel.


Change = Waive check box is enabled when loan covenant in the Loan Covenants panel.

Loan Cross-sells Exceed Max Amount:

Allows a user to override the Max Loan Cross-Sell Amount (the sum of all an application’s new/replacement Cross-sell offers) that can be set by an underwriter on the manual underwriting screen.

For example: An underwriter has set the Max Loan Cross-Sell amount to be $10,000.00 on the underwriting screen. The end user gets to the Cross-Sell screen and pitches the Cross-sell products. The applicant wants all the available cross-sell offers, which total $15,000.00. An override box appears for users who do not have this permission and requires someone with this authority to put in their credentials in order for the user to proceed with the application.

None = user does not have permission to override and is presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = user has permission to override and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

LTV Exceeds Min/Max for Sub-Product:

Allows a user to override the Min/Max LTV value that is set at the sub-product definition. For example: New Auto has a max LTV of 110%. An application is being processed and the LTV is calculated to be 112%. An override box pops-up for users who do not have this permission and requires someone with this authority to put in their credentials in order for the user to proceed with the application.

None = user does not have permission to override and is presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = user has permission to override and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Manually Disburse Application:

Allows a user to mark an application as being disbursed to core if an error message was returned during the disbursement process. If the box is checked, the system does not try to create the record in core via the interface and the end user needs to manually create the record in the core system.

None = Disbursement Complete checkbox is available and disabled.

Change = Disbursement Complete checkbox is available and enabled.            

Origination Workspace


Allows a user to access and use the Search feature in the Ribbon Bar.


None = Users are unable to use the Search feature, and the  is disabled in the Ribbon Bar. Additionally, users are unable to open applications from the Queues, Views, and/or Dashboards page.

View = Users can use the Search feature, and open applications from the Queues, Views, and/or Dashboards page; however, the selected application opens as READ ONLY in the workspace, and no changes can be made. Only a comment can be added to an application while in this state.

Change = Users can access applications using the Search feature, as well as from the Queues, Views, and/or Dashboards page, and can perform actions within the selected application when open in the workspace.

In addition to having View or Change permission for the Origination Workspace, a user must also be assigned to the specific queue, view, or dashboard in order to open applications.
All Custom Searches configured for an institution are available within the Search window for any user who is granted permission to use the Search feature.

For institutions that use both Account Servicing and Origination: There are two separate permissions that control the Search feature for the Account Servicing categories and Origination categories; therefore, it is possible that a permission may be set to View or Change for one, but set to None for the other. When this occurs, the user is only able to use the Search feature for the modules to which he or she is granted permission to access. For example, the Workspace permission under the Collections category controls the Search feature for the Account Servicing modules. If the Origination Workspace permission is set to View or Change, but the Workspace permission is set to None, the user is able to click  in the Ribbon Bar to perform a full search using the Origination categories, but the Account Servicing categories are not available to the user, and the user is not able to open person workspaces from the Queues, Views, and/or Dashboards page.

Override Identity Results:

Allows a user to override the Precise ID interface results.

None = User does not have permission to override Precise ID results and is presented with an override pop-up window.

Change = User has permission to override Precise ID results and is not presented with override pop-up. Also allows user to input credentials into the override pop-up for other users.

Pin Application to Queue:

Allows a user to manually Pin and UnPin applications from queues.

None = Pin to Queue and Un-pin buttons are disabled on the application toolbar.

Change = Pin to Queue and Un-pin buttons are enabled on the application toolbar.

Recurring Fees - Add and Delete:


Allows a user to add recurring fess to a loan application, as well as remove recurring fees that have been automatically or manually added to the application.

None = Add and Delete buttons are disabled in the Recurring Fees panel.


Change = Add and Delete buttons are enabled in the Recurring Fees panel.

Recurring Fees - Change Recurring Fees:


Allows a user to modify a recurring fee on a loan application.

None = Fields are read-only in the Recurring Fees panel, and cannot be modified.


Change = Inline editing is available in the Recurring Fees panel, and users are able to modify field values within the grid.

Recurring Fees - Waive on Application:


Allows a user to mark a recurring fee as waived on a loan application.

None = Waive check box is disabled when editing a fee in the Recurring Fees panel.


Change = Waive check box is enabled when editing a fee in the Recurring Fees panel.

Remove Decision on Application:

Allows a user to remove the decision that has been rendered on an application and reprocess the application.

None = Remove Decision button is disabled in the Application Toolbar.

Change = Remove Decision button is enabled in the Application Toolbar.

Remove Withdraw Status From Application:

Allows a user to remove the withdraw status from the Other Actions menu on the Application.

None = The Remove Withdraw button is disabled in the Application Toolbar.

Change = The Remove Withdraw button is enabled in the Application Toolbar.

Send Custom Emails:

Allows a user to send a custom email from the Other Actions drop-down within an Application.

None = The Compose Email button is disabled on the Other Actions drop-down menu within an Application.

Change = The Compose Email button is enabled on the Other Actions drop-down within an Application.

Stipulations - Add/Clear:

Allows a user to manually add stipulations and mark a stipulation as being met.

None = User cannot add stipulations. Met checkbox is disabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Change = User can add new stipulations. Met checkbox is enabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Stipulations – Allow Delete:

Allows a user to delete stipulations.

None = User is not able to delete stipulations.

Change = User is able to delete stipulations.

Stipulations – Change stipulations:

Allows a user to modify the stipulation that was added and modify if the stipulation is required for approval or disbursement.

None = Stipulation and Required For fields are disabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Change = Stipulation and Required For fields are enabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Stipulations – Do Not Require Comments:

Allows a user, who has permission to mark stipulation as met or waived, to proceed without adding a comment on the stipulation.

None = User must enter a comment if they select waive/met.

Change = User is able to select waive/met without entering a comment.

Stipulations - Waive on Application:

Allows a user to mark a stipulation as being waived.

None = Waive checkbox is disabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Change = Waive checkbox is enabled when editing stipulations in the Stipulations panel.

Suggest Decline for Application:

Allows a user to suggest an application be declined.

None = "Suggest Decline" button is disabled in the Decline Application window.

Change = "Suggest Decline" button is enabled in the Decline Application window if Status <> Incomplete, Disbursed, or Not Eligible.

Unmask Lending Fields TIN and DOB:


Allows a user to view unmasked values for the TIN and Date of Birth fields in an application.

None = User is unable to view an unmasked value of the TIN and Date of Birth fields in an application. When the user hovers over the  icon for the TIN or Date of Birth field, a tool-tip is presented to the user to identify that permission to unmask the field is not enabled.

If this permission is set to None, but the View Masked Fields permission is set to View, the user is able to view an unmasked value for TIN and Date of Birth fields when the  icon is clicked.


View = User is able to view the full unmasked value of the TIN and Date of Birth fields in an application.

Update Application From Core:

Allows a user to update the Application From the Core by selecting the Core Update from the Core drop-down in the Application toolbar.

None = The Last Core Update button is disabled in the Core drop-down in the Application toolbar.

Change = The Last Core Update button is enabled in the Core drop-down in the Application toolbar.

View Masked Fields:


Allows a user to view the value of masked fields in an application.


None = User is unable to view the value of masked fields in an application. When the user hovers over the  icon for a masked field, a tool-tip is presented to the user to identify that permission to unmask the field is not enabled.

If this permission is set to None, but the Unmask Lending Fields TIN and DOB permission is set to View, the values of the TIN and Date of Birth fields are fully visible in the application.


View = User is able to view the value of masked fields in an application. Clicking the  icon unmasks the value of the field in the application workspace.

Check out the View Masked Fields Permission video to see this permission in action!
Withdraw Application:

Allows a user to withdraw an application from processing.

None = Withdraw button is disabled on workspace toolbar.

Change = Withdraw button is enabled on workspace toolbar.


Origination Tools
Name of Permission Description
Ad-hoc Credit Report:

Allows the user to pull a credit report without starting an application.

None = Credit Report Tool not available on Desktop ribbon.

Change = Credit Report Tool available on Desktop ribbon.

Ad-hoc Loan Calculator:


Allows the user to perform calculations from the Loan Calculator in the  Desktop Ribbon.


None = User is not able to access the Loan Calculator in the Desktop Ribbon. Upon trying to access the calculator, the user is presented with a Permission Denied error.                

Change = User is able to access and perform calculations from the Loan Calculator in the Desktop Ribbon.

Ad-hoc Vehicle Valuation:

Allows the user to get a book value for a vehicle without starting an application.

None = Vehicle Valuation Tool not available on Desktop ribbon.

Change = Vehicle Valuation Tool available on Desktop ribbon.

Application Lock Management:

Allows the user to view and/or unlock applications that are currently in use/locked by another user.

None = Application Lock Management Tool not available on Desktop ribbon.

View = Application Lock Management Tool available on Desktop ribbon in a view only mode

Change = Application Lock Management Tool available on Desktop ribbon in view and edit mode.

Allows a user to view and work the offers for each promotion as well as provides the ability to create an application from an offer.

None = Promotions icon not available on Desktop ribbon.

Change = Promotions icon available on Desktop ribbon.


Name of Permission Description

Allows a user to view and change settings within the Origination page in System Management. Any changes made within the Origination page apply to all of the Loan Origination and Account Origination modules in Temenos Infinity.

None = Users cannot view or access origination settings in System Management > Modules  > Origination.


View = Allows users to view origination settings, but not make any changes to the settings under System Management > Modules  > Origination.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes to origination settings under System Management > Modules > Origination.


System Management
Name of Permission Description
Administrative Settings:

Allows a user to view and change administrative settings within Temenos Infinity. Administrative Settings can be accessed in System Management and include settings such as look and feel, security and institutional information.

None = Users can not view or access the Administrative Settings page in System Management.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Administrative Settings page in System Management.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Administrative Settings page in System Management.

Allows a user to view and edit system-wide alerts that appear each time a user logs into the system.

None = Users can not view or access the Alerts page in System Management.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Alerts page in System Management.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Alerts page in System Management.
Configuration Export:

Allows a user to view, edit and change Configuration Manager Exports.

None = Users can not view or access the Export Configurations page in System Management > Configurations.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Export Configurations page in System Management > Configurations.

Configuration Import:

Allows a user to view, edit and change Configuration Manager Imports.

None = Users can not view or access the Import Configurations page in System Management > Configurations.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Import Configurations page in System Management > Configurations.


Allows a user to access connectors that the institution utilizes within System Management.

None = Users do not have access to the Connectors folder in System Management.


View = Allows users to access the connector pages but not save any changes within the page.

Change = Allows users to have access to all Connectors in the Connectors folder in System Management.
Custom Field Management:

Allows a user to create custom fields that are used to extend the Temenos Infinity database. Custom fields can be used throughout the entire system.

None = Users can not view or access the Custom Fields page in System Management.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Custom Fields page in System Management.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Custom Fields page in System Management.
Data Purging

Allows a user to view and change the data purge settings for Temenos database tables.

None = Users can not view or access the Data Purging page in System Management > Data Purging.


View = Allows users to view, but not make any changes to the Data Purging page in System Management > Data Purging.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Data Purging page in System Management > Data Purging.

Allows a user to view and change export settings within System Management. 

None = Users cannot view or access the Exports page in System Management.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Exports page in System Management.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Exports page in System Management.
Security Groups:

Allows a user to view and change Security Groups in System Management. Security Groups are designed so that managers can set access for a group rather than every individual Temenos user.


None = Users can not view or access the Security Groups page in System Management > Groups > Security Groups.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Security Groups page in System Management > Groups > Security Groups.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Security Groups page in System Management > Groups > Security Groups.

Allows a user to view and change existing users within the system, as well as create new users.

None = Users can not view or access the Users page in System Management.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Users page in System Management.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Users page in System Management.



System Management - Loan
Name of Permission Description
Cross-sell Product Management:

Allows a user to create and maintain the products that are available for cross-sell offers.

None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user. 
Debt Protection Plan Management:

Allows a user to maintain the user friendly descriptions and core codes for credit insurance/debt protection options that are imported from the calculator rate file.

None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.            
HMDA Reporting Management:

Allows a user to generate a properly formatted FFIEC HMDA-LAR file. The administrator has the ability to review/exclude specific applications, validate data, correct incorrect or missing data, and generate a summary report.

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Loan Application Type Management:

Allows a user to define a hierarchy of products (Categories, Products and Sub-Products).

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change= System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.

Loan Covenants Management:


Allows a user to create and manage loan covenants for the institution.

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change= System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Promotions Management:

Allows a user to create and manage promotions.

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Risk Model Management:

Allows a user to define a naming convention for risk tiers (e.g. A+, A, B, Platinum, Gold, Silver), and to create/maintain the risk models.

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Vendor Management:

Allows a user to create and manage a list of Vendors/Dealers that the financial institution does business with.

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Workflow Model Management:

Allows a user to configure the workflow screens that are presented for a loan application. Also enables a user to assign Validation rules.

None = System Management screen not available to user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.


System Management - Origination
Name of Permission Description

Applicant Types:


Allows a user to create and maintain the applicant types available to assign within an applcation.


None = Applicant Types screen is not available to the user.


Change = Applicant Types screen can be viewed and editied by the user.

Base Rate Tables Management:


Allows a user to create and maintain the base interest rate table for pricing applications.

None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user. 
Batch Disbursement Management:

Allows a user to view and reconcile batches disbursed to credit card processors for fulfillment.

None = Batch Disbursement Management screen is not available to user.

View = Batch Disbursement Management screen can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = Batch Disbursement Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Batch Queue Processing:

Allows a user to view and schedule Batch Queuing process to run ad-hoc.

None = User is not able to schedule the Batch Queuing Process to run.               

Change = User is able to view and schedule the Batch Queuing Process.

Decision Model Management:

Allows a user to create and maintain the decision models used to underwrite an application.

None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Document Template Management:

Allows a user to create and maintain Document Templates for use with third party connectors such as DocuSign and Silanis.

None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.

Allows a user to create and maintain Field, Collection and Action Editability rights.

None = Editability screen within System Management is not available to user.

View = Editability screen within System Management can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = Editability screen within System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Email Template Management:

Allows a user create and maintain Email Templates for use within the Application.

None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.

End Exclusive Rule Authoring Session:


Allows a user to end an exclusive Rule Authoring session in System Management > Origination > Rules Management. 

None = User is not able to end the exclusive rule authoring session of another user in Rules Management. The End Session button is disabled within the Rule Sessions tab.


Change = User is able to end the exclusive rule authoring session of another user in Rules Management. The End Session button is enabled within the Rule Sessions tab.


Event Processing:

Allows a user to create and maintain event and action pairings.

None = Event Processing screen within System Management is not available to user.

View = Event Processing screen within System Management can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = Event Processing screen within System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.
Field List Configurations:

Allows a user to map up to 20 commonly-used Aggregates and Ratios and 10 commonly-used Scores for reporting.

None = Field List Configurations screen in System Management is not available to user.

View = Field List Configurations screen in System Management can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change = Field List Configurations screen in System Management can be viewed and edited by user.

Notification Groups:

Allows a user to view and change the notification groups in System Management. The Notification Group page allows administrators to group users together into functional groups that are able to receive notifications about Applications based on specific application events.

None = Users can not view or access the Notification Groups page in System Management > Groups > Notification Groups.


View = Allows users to view but not make any changes to the Notification Groups page in System Management > Groups > Notification Groups.

Change = Allows users to view and make changes within the Notification Groups page in System Management > Groups > Notification Groups.
Origination Queue Management:

Allows a user to create queues, which provide a way to manage applications throughout the loan process.

None = System Management screen is not available to the user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.

Portfolio Simulation:


Allows a user to create, manage, and run portfolio simuations in Temenos Infinity.


None = Portfolio Simulations page is not available to the user.

View = Portfolio Simulations page can be viewed, but users are unable to create, delete, start, and/or stop simulations.

Change = Portfolio Simulations page can be viewed, and users are able to create, delete, start, and/or stop simulations.
Pricing Model Management:

Allows a user to assign pricing rules that determine the final rate for a product.

None = System Management screen is not available to the user.


View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.
Rules Management:

Allows a user to author and maintain a library of all business rules needed by the loan and account origination modules (e.g. decisioning, data validation).

None = System Management screen is not available to the user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.            

Allows a user to author and maintain screens.

None = System Management screen is not available to the user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change= System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.            
Summary Screens Management:

Allows a user to create and manage the summary panels that are available as part of Loan Application Types.

None = System Management screen is not available to the user.


Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.

Validation Model Management:

Allows a user to create and manage validation models.


None = System Management screen not available to user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed but not edited by user.

Change= System Management screen can be viewed and edited by user.


Virtual Capture
Name of Permission Description
Blacklisted IP Addresses

Allows a user to view and edit the Blacklisted IP Addresses screen in System Management.

None = System Management screen not available to the user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.
Virtual Capture Screens

Allows a user to view and change screens in System Management. 

None = System Management screen not available to the user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.
Virtual Capture Settings

Allows a user to view and change the settings for each instance of Virtual Capture, as well as the cross-sell products and loan/account products available in Virtual Capture. This permission controls a user's ability to access and modify information within the following System Management screens:

  • Virtual Capture Settings
  • Virtual Capture Products
  • Virtual Capture Cross-Sells
None = System Management screens are not available to the user.

View = System Management screens can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screens can be viewed and edited by the user.
Virtual Capture Workflow Model Management

Allows a user to configure the workflow screens presented for a web application.

None = System Management screen not available to the user.

View = System Management screen can be viewed, but not edited by the user.

Change = System Management screen can be viewed and edited by the user.


Within the Users tab, assign active Temenos users to be a part of the Security Group.


Within the Screens tab, assign available screens to the Security Group. If a screen is assigned, the users in the Security Group have access to the screen in the workspace.

If the security group the user is assigned to has access to the screen, by default the user has access to the screen, even if they do not at the user level.
The screens and boxes that display on the Security Group Edit screen are determined by the enabled module. For example, if loan origination is not active, lending screens are not available to be assigned and the Available and Assigned Lending boxes do not display on the Screens tab.



This tab is available for all users, but is only used to assign Areas to a user for the Account Servicing modules.


On the Dashboards tab, assign available dashboards to the Security Group. If assigned, the user is able to open the dashboard from the dashboard icon in the Ribbon Bar.

If a user has individual permission to a dashboard, by default the user has access to the dashboard even if they do not at the Security Group level.


On the Views tab, assign available views to the user. If assigned, the user is able to open the view from the views icon in the Ribbon Bar.

If a user has individual permission to a View, by default the user has access to the view even if they do not at the Security Group level.


On the Reports tab, assign available reports to the Security Group. If assigned, the Security Group has the ability to view/run the reports from the reports icon in the Ribbon Bar.

If a user has individual permission to a Report, by default the user has access to the view even if they do not at the Security Group level.


This tab is available for all users, but is only used to assign Areas to a user for the Account Servicing modules.


Lending Settings

Lending Settings enables administrators to assign Application Sources and Restricted Account Types to a Security Group.

At the top of the Lending Settings tab, a multi-grid containing the following tables control which application sources users within the security group are able to process applications for:

Table Description
Available Application Sources Contains a list of all the application sources that have not been assigned to the security group. Upon assigning an application source the security group, it is removed from the available list.
Assigned Application Sources Contains a list of all application sources that have been assigned to the security group.

Use the multi-grid controls to assign or unassign the desired application sources.

At the bottom of the Lending Settings tab, a multi-grid containing the following tables control which restricted account types users within the security group are able to process applications for:

Table Description
Available Restricted Account Type Contains a list of all the restricted account types that have not been assigned to the security group. Upon assigning a restricted account type the security group, it is removed from the available list.
Assigned Restricted Account Type Contains a list of all restricted account types that have been assigned to the security group.

Use the multi-grid controls to assign or unassign the desired restricted account types.

Creating and Managing Security Groups

Within the Security Groups page, administrators are able to perform the following actions:

ShowCreating a Security Group

To create a new Security Group:

ShowCopying a Security Group

To copy a Security Group: 

ShowEditing a Security Group

To edit a Security Group: 

ShowDeleting a Security Group

To delete a Security Group: 



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